
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Day, Another Challenge

Sorry for the negligent blogging.  I've actually been cooking up a storm lately and have many exciting meals and healthy musings to share.

As for my newest challenge(s), after careful consideration, I have selected my month-long feat to complete: fast-foodless.  The description here gives you a fair amount of leeway, which I appreciate, because I think the idea of slow vs. fast foods really lies on a spectrum.  There's slow food, as in the slow food movement, which implies local, homemade, and farm fresh cooking (to me, at least).  And then there's fast food, as in McDonald's.  But if we're going to be realistic about today's food environment, there's also slow food that comes from reliable grocery stores and large corporate brands, as well as fast food that comes in the form of a salad.  In other words, slow is not synonymous with health food, and fast is not synonymous with junk.  Like the site says, eating slow(ly?) is about honoring the food.

And so, since I think this challenge fits best with my food philosophy, it won my vote.  Others that I was considering include vegetarianism (been there, done that), veganism (will never see the point), and not snacking after 9pm (sometimes I don't eat dinner until after 9pm!).  I think I am going to set the following rules:

- no pre-packaged meals (this includes pre-made salads, sandwiches, and sushi)
- veggie burgers, frozen veggies, frozen fruits, packaged Lara/Luna bars: yes
- frozen burrito: no
- Pax salads ????  (I wanted to say yes because I design the salad, but now I'm not sure.  What about Whole Foods salad bar?  I think yes.)

Pizza?  That's probably a no, unless it's like Otto or something.  I was going to say no chains, but that knocks out something like Whole Foods... thoughts PLEASE!

I may think of it as eating with brain-involvement.  I need to make active choices about every element of what I'm choosing to eat, and at the very least thinking about where it came from.

Turns out I forgot my camera cord, so I can't upload photos of what I ate recently, but I will do this later!  Sorry for the lack of photos!

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