Monday was very rushed, and I actually ended up missing my first flight ever. It was not very dramatic, and there was no frantic running through the terminal. Just a lot of pouting and furrowing my brow. It's mostly my own fault for not leaving enough time to get there, but I never leave enough time to get there, and it hadn't been an issue yet! I also blame uncharacteristic traffic and a poor route choice by my cabbie. Thankfully, there was another flight an hour later, and I had no problem getting a seat. It also gave me time to actually buy food and a very fortuitous magazine, so it was ok.

Hold the presses! I almost got on a plane without food? Well, my parents stopped by around 2 with pizza, and I made us a salad with food that would have otherwise gone bad this week. Since I had a big late lunch, I wasn't all that hungry or in the mood to plan dinner at 4, AND I was in a big rush because I realized I was running quite late. So I grabbed some granola in a baggie and hoped I would have time to buy a yogurt at the airport. (I would have brought my own, but they don't usually make it through security.) Since I ended up with an extra hour at the fabulous LGA Terminal D (blech), I had more than enough time to buy a Dannon peach yogurt. I ate my yogurt/granola on the plane and also had a chocolate brownie Pure bar, which I brought from home. My problem with those healthy chocolate-flavored things is that I usually just end up wishing they were chocolate. I think I'm better off sticking with fruit/nut combos that taste like what they're supposed to taste like. Cocoa Mole Larabars are the exception. This Pure bar was actually pretty good, but not amazing.
Lately I have been packing dinners (sandwiches, bagels, prepared noodles from Gourmet Garage) on airport nights because there's nothing good at my terminal, and it's really not very hard to pull something together. I have to eat airport food on Thursdays when I come home, so I like to avoid having to do it twice a week. A girl can only eat so much Au Bon Pain.
So I went off to the hotel, where I have a room in the not-as-nice section of the hotel because I booked late. It's ok, but the hallways feel stuffy and dark compared to the newer part. The newer part is also closer to the gym and the Executive Lounge, where my Hilton Baller status allows me access to snacks, free breakfast, and free drinks (woohoo!). My room is fine, but I will definitely be making my reservation further in advance next time. I will take a picture of the room later.
I had some tea, watched Seinfeld and Sex and the City, got into bed around 11:30, and set the alarm clock for 6am. FUN!

I love that one of your tags is "baller." SO TRUE!