A quick recap of my Friday working from home:
7:00 Wake up
7:45 Gym (finally did some leg work... I'm usually too lazy to bother because I like my legs already, but people have told me it's good to build the muscle so as not to injure yourself)
9:15 Breakfast -- oats, blueberries, almond butter (I added a little of my MojaMix ala Katie to my usual oats for funsies. It looked like the bowl below before I added the rest of my fun...)

10:30 Blog reading
11:00 Out for an appt
1:00 Lunch -- can of Healthy Valley 3 Bean Chili with plain Greek yogurt and Mary's Gone Crackers (gluten free, baby!) + a side of The Office.
2:00 Gossip Girl + some work
3:00 Call doctor
3:30 Respond to an email, eat a plum
4:00 Shower (yup, I sat around dirty all day)
5:00 Yogurt snack
6:00 Train to Larchmont!
As you can see, I accomplished many things. Ok, I'm exaggerating, I did more work than that, but it was definitely a slow day, as Consultant Fridays often are.
I was kind of out of food and managed to improvise lunch, thanks to the magic of canned foods. I always like to keep soups and veggie burgers on hand for Fridays when I get home after being away all week. Eggs would be a good one too, but I don't always have those. Anyway, I was very grateful to come home to a delicious mommy-made meal: matzo ball soup, brisket, mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows (MY FAVORITE! She still does it for me and my brother as if we were kids...), asparagus, broccoli, raisin challah, and chocolate babka! SO good.
I was trying to eat gluten free this week as an experiment fueled by feeling good last week -- and realizing the only main thing I cut out was wheat (and chocolate). However, that obviously didn't work. Like I was going to pass up challah and babka for some unproven theory? Pshhhh, no way. Sooo, trying again starting today. Shana Tova!
Whoa! You posted a ton recently and I missed a bunch of entries. Good reading. I am still thinking about Jewish food - so happy you found a Jewish pal in Dallas to hang out with! Perhaps there is a Jim Halpert somewhere there too...